robots, bacon, and snark

these are a few of my favorite things

03 April 2015

Openhand - An Afterword

Say you're selling forks,
A man buys that fork for soup
Leaks are still your fault

28 February 2015

Towards a New Delta Printer

Nothing's truly done,
Better, faster, and stronger,
It's go time, fellas.

24 February 2015

Hard-Learned Lessons in Open-Source

Teach a man to fish
And he'll bug you forever
Buy him a damn fish

21 January 2015

Mechanical Keyboards

Clickety clack clack,
My fingers echo and sing,

31 December 2014

Google Chromecast - Fast Initial Impressions

It's been a year now
Legs still shaky as before
Up high for how long?