robots, bacon, and snark

these are a few of my favorite things

17 May 2015

Delta Printer Kinematics Part 3 - Calibration Curses

Tell me what ails you,
And I'll go find you the cure
Oh, you're mute, aren't you?

13 May 2015

Delta Printer Kinematics Part 2 - Towards an Optimal Design

Wanna be the best,
Like no delta ever was,
At what, I don't know

09 May 2015

Delta Printer Kinematics Part 1 - Calibration and Leveling

Improving is hard,
Understanding is the key,
Circular logic!

08 May 2015

Techcrunch Disrupt NY 2015 Recap

Should have just stayed home,
Where results still make some sense,
Not some alchemy

27 April 2015

Inside 3D Printing Conference 2015 Recap

Another year gone past,
Wear and tear begin to show
Taller but more frail