20 August 2014
Learn from Old Geezers
Some folks don't play fair,
Wily tricks up both their sleeves.
Learn and bide your time
these are a few of my favorite things
20 August 2014
Some folks don't play fair,
Wily tricks up both their sleeves.
Learn and bide your time
22 June 2014
Relax in comfort,
Dulled by cushioning restraints,
You'll never stand tall
20 June 2014
Let's make it better,
We have the technology,
Hope we don't mess up
14 June 2014
How is it going?
Sometimes good and sometimes bad,
can't really say now
16 May 2014
Eat steak with chopsticks,
Grab a spoon for those noodles,
Something's not right here.