Work Experience
Hadrian Automation (Feb 2025 - Present)
Senior Robotics Engineer
Universe Energy (August 2023 - Dec 2024)
Lead Robotics Manipulation Engineer
- Conceptualized, developed, and built proof-of-concept autonomous robotics workcell from scratch to diagnose, discharge, and dismantle electric vehicle batteries from pack to cell level
- Led full-stack robotics R&D efforts across hardware (mechanical design, structural integration) and software (YOLOv8, ROS/MoveIt!, reactive behaviors, custom firmware)
3DEO (October 2020 - August 2023)
Robotics Engineer
- Prototyped/developed/deployed/maintained an automated workcell for the delicate de-powdering of binder-jet 3D-printed parts
- Supported debugging/development of production binder-jet metal 3d-printing machines
UBTech Robotics (July 2019 - October 2020)
Senior Mechanical Engineer
- EOAT Design/Integration/Test
- Prototyped, evaluated, tested various mobile manipulation concepts for service robotics applications
- Assisted in setup and development of research center from the ground up
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (February 2017 - July 2019)
Robotics Mechanical Engineer
- Projects: Sensorized tactile wheel, rover prototypes for snow mobility, Mars sample return concepts, hydrothermal vent anchor, in-space assembly
Research Experience
Yale Grablab (2010-2016)
- Advisor: Prof. Aaron Dollar
- Developed the Yale OpenHand Project, a library of open-source designs for underactuated robotic hands
- Analyzed dexterous manipulation capabilities of underactuated robotic hands
- Designed, fabricated, and evaluated novel mechanism designs for underactuated grasping and manipulation
MIT PCSL (2008-2010)
- Advisors: Prof. Martin Culpepper, Alex Slocum Jr.
- Designed/instrumented low-cost device to measure the torque/power output of the human ankle joint, utilizing compliant flexure designs to minimize cost
MIT Personal Robotics Lab (2006-2007)
- Advisors: Prof. Cynthia Breazeal, Guy Hoffman
- Worked on AUR, a robotic lamp
Yale University (2010-2016)
PhD in MechE
MS in MechE
Thesis: Strategies for Dexterous Manipulation with Underactuated, Robotic Hands
MIT (2006-2010)
SB in MechE, SB in EECS
Thesis: Torque Measurement with Inexpensive Compliant Mechanisms
Journal Publications
- Ma, R.R., W.G. Bircher, and A.M. Dollar, "Modeling and Evaluation of Robust Whole-Hand Caging Manipulation," IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 35(3), pp. 549-63, 2019
- Ma, R.R., and A.M. Dollar, "Yale OpenHand Project: Optimizing Open-Source Hand Designs for Ease of Fabrication and Adoption," IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, 24(1), pp. 32-40, 2017
- Ma, R.R., J.T. Belter, A.M. Dollar, "Hybrid Deposition Manufacturing: Design Strategies for Multi-Material Mechanisms via 3D-Printing and Material Deposition," ASME Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 7(2), 021002, 2015
Odhner, L.U., R.R. Ma, A.M. Dollar, "Exploring Dexterous Manipulation Workspaces with the iHY Hand," Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, 32(4), pp. 318-22, 2014 - Ma, R.R., and A.M. Dollar, "Linkage-Based Analysis and Optimization of an Underactuated Planar Manipulator for In-Hand Manipulation." Journal of Mechanisms and Robotics, 6(1), 011002, 2014
- Odhner, L.U., et al. "A Compliant, Underactuated Hand for Robust Manipulation." International Journal of Robotics Research, 33(5), pp. 736-52, 2014.
- Odhner, L.U., R.R. Ma, and A.M. Dollar. "Open-Loop Precision Grasping With Underactuated Hands Inspired by a Human Manipulation Strategy." IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 10(3), 2013.
- Ma, R.R., et al. "Torque Measurement With Compliant Mechanisms." Journal of Mechanical Design 135 (2013): 034502.
- Bullock, I., R.R. Ma, and A.M. Dollar. "A Hand-Centric Classification of Human and Robot Dexterous Manipulation." IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 6(2), 2012.
- E. Sung, A. Slocum, R.R. Ma et al. "Design of an ankle rehabilitation device using compliant mechanisms." Journal of Medical Devices, 5, pp.1-7, 2011).
Conference Publications
- Ma, R.R., W. Bircher, and A.M. Dollar. "Toward Robust, Whole-Hand Caging Manipulation with Underactuated Hands" Proceedings of the 2017 International Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 1336-42
- Ma, R.R., and A.M. Dollar. "In-Hand Manipulation Primitives for a Minimal, Underactuated Gripper With Active Surfaces" Proceedings of the 2016 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conferences (IDETC)
- Ma, R.R., N. Rojas, and A.M. Dollar. "Towards Predictable Precision Manipulation of Unknown Objects with Underactuated Fingers" Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conf. on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robotics
- Ma, R.R., A. Spiers, and A.M. Dollar. "M2 Gripper: Extending the Dexterity of a Simple, Underactuated Gripper" Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conf. on Reconfigurable Mechanisms and Robotics
- Ma, R.R. and A.M. Dollar. "An Underactuated Hand for Efficient Finger-Gaiting-Based Dexterous Manipulation" Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics
- Odhner, L.U. and R.R. Ma "Fabrication Techniques for Open-Source Robotic Hands" (Conference Tutorial) Proceedings of the 2013 International Conf. on Robotics and Automation.
- Ma, R.R., L.U. Odhner, and A.M. Dollar. "A Modular, Open-Source 3D Printed Underactuated Hand." Proceedings of the 2013 International Conf. on Robotics and Automation.
- Odhner, L.U., R.R. Ma, and A.M. Dollar. "Experiments in underactuated in-hand manipulation." Experimental Robotics. Springer International Publishing, 2013.
- Odhner, L.U., R.R. Ma, and A.M. Dollar. "Precision grasping and manipulation of small objects from flat surfaces using underactuated fingers." Proceedings of the 2012 International Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Ma, R R., L.U. Odhner, and A.M. Dollar. "Dexterous manipulation with underactuated fingers: Flip-and-pinch task." (Video Submission) Proceedings of the 2012 International Conf. on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
- Ma, R.R., and A.M. Dollar. "On dexterity and dexterous manipulation." Proceedings of the 2011 International Conf. on Advanced Robotics (ICAR)
- Ma, R.R., et al. "Ankle Rehabilitation via Compliant Mechanisms." Transactions of the ASME-W-Journal of Medical Devices 4.2 (2010): 027528.